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Property market holding steady in challenging times

13 Jul 2020
The continued rise in home loan applications since lockdown restrictions were eased at the start of June suggests that a modest market recovery is under way

Covid-19: Early indications suggest property market recovery is likely

22 Jun 2020
Initial predictions regarding the future of the residential property market as a result of the Covid-19 lockdown painted a sombre picture:

5 things you need to look out for before buying property this year

11 Jun 2020
The property sector, like all sectors, has not escaped the effects of Covid-19 and its impact can be felt in multiple ways.

Seeff calls for massive interest rate slash to boost economy

20 May 2020
It is evident that drastic measures are needed to encourage South Africans to invest in the economy and property market

House viewings - how to increase your home's screen appeal

20 May 2020
how you can increase your property's chances to stand out amongst the sea of online listings.

Property sellers need to prepare to sell in an overstocked market

07 May 2020
While it is expected that there will be more movement in the property market,

Sellers, be ready to capitalise on pent-up demand post-lockdown

24 Apr 2020
There is no doubt that the post-Covid-19 lockdown recession will weigh on the property market

The coronavirus has created the 'perfect storm' for South Africa's housing market

13 Apr 2020
While many analysts expect that the post-lockdown recession will weigh heavily on the economy it may ultimately prove to be a boon for the property market

Financial Fitness - Is this the right time to buy property?

23 Mar 2020
Local regulations have made it attractive for first-time home buyers to enter the market.

Looking to buy property? It's a good time to borrow

10 Mar 2020
South Africa is currently in what is termed a 'buyers' market', with more supply of properties than demand from buyers.
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